Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Courtesy Boat Inspection Training

Pemaquid Watershed Association courtesy boat inspection training will be held May 22nd from 9:30 to 11:30 am at the Nobleboro Town Office. We need volunteers to sit by local boat launches for a few hours at a time to help educate boaters about the serious invasives that are carried on trailers, fishing gear, motors and boats. This threat is very close to Bremen. Last fall, a trained (invasive plant) volunteer found the hydrilla in Damariscotta Lake.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bremen Clean-Up Day

Mark Saturday, April 24, on your calendar and plan to participate in Bremen Clean-Up Day.  Pick up the trash that has accumulated along the roadside during the winter, put in it trash bags, and set the bags along the roadside for pickup.  Special trash bags will be available Saturday morning at the Firehouse.  Watch this space for further details. 

Harvest Dinner

As a way of showcasing Bremen's working farms and waterfront, the BCC plans to hold a Harvest Dinner in the Town House in September.  The first planning meeting for the event will be at 10 a.m. on Sat., April 3, at Diane O'Connor's home, 145 Waldoboro Rd.  Anyone who would like to help plan this event, suggest people who can provide food for the event, cook food, work in the ktichen etc., is invited to attend. 

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Grant Writing Workshop

The Maine Association of Conservation Commissions and the Maine Land Trust Network are co-sponsoring a workshop designed to improve your chances of successfully obtaining funding from three major conservation grant programs in Maine.

The three include:

The Maine Natural Resources Conservation Program. MNRCP provides funding for wetlands restoration, enhancement and preservation,
thus is a good source for open space acquisition funds.

The Recreational Trails Program. RTP is an excellent source of funding
for trail building projects, including design, materials and labor.

Project Canopy. This Maine Forest Service program provides funds to
towns for both forest management and shade tree planting.

In addition, information will also be presented regarding Land for Maine’s Future
grants and various private foundation grant sources.

The workshops will be held on the following schedule:
Augusta, April 15th, Augusta City Hall
Scarborough, May 5th, Scarborough Public Library

Both workshops will start promptly at 5:30 and end by 7:30. A light meal will
be provided. The participation fee will be $20 for MEACC and MLTN members
and $30 for non-members, payable by purchase order or at the door. Please
register at least seven days in advance of each workshop

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Town of Bremen Maintains Conservation Commitment

For the third straight year the people of Bremen have displayed their commitment toward conservation by voting to raise and appropriate monies to the Land Conservation Reserve Fund. Funds deposited into this account could one day be used to acquire conservation easements, rights-of-way, waterfront access or open space. As one of only a handful of towns to have a dedicated Land Conservation Fund, it is a critical component in the process of applying for grants and obtaining matching funds to complete important conservation transactions.

In another show of support Bremen voters passed an article not to operate an alewife fishery for the ensuing year of 2010.  Through passage of this article Bremen maintains its alewife conservation status, ensures annual stocking of Webber Pond with adult spawning alewives and works toward long term sustainability of the alewife fishery.

Once again the Bremen Conservation Commission is proud of Bremen's overwhelming support and commitment toward conservation!

Thank you!

Good News for Maine's Deer Population

Maine's deer population is getting a boost from this winter's mild weather after two straight harsh winters that thinned the ranks of the state's signature game animal.  With warm temperatures and scant snowfall, deer have had to expend relatively little energy fighting off frigid cold or tramping through deep snow in search of food.  Deer biologist Lee Kantar of Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife said fawns that were born last year have had a high survival rate, and the baby deer that are born this June are expected to be in good shape because their mothers are strong.  The most recent estimate puts Maine's deer count at under 200,000, down from more than 300,000 a decade ago. 
Article, Portland Press Herald, March 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Trees and Shrub Sale

Soil and Water Conservation Districts Tree and Shrub Sales

Looking for trees and shrubs to plant this spring?   Consider purchasing them through your local Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). SWCDs are non-profit organizations who provide conservation education and technical assistance. Their tree and shrub sales are typically a major fundraiser for these organizations.

Knox-Lincoln SWCD has announced its annual Tree & Shrub Sale. Orders are due May 3rd, with pick-up in Nobleboro on May 8th. More information, including a list of what's available, is at

Kennebec County SWCD reminds everyone that their annual Tree and Shrub Sale is ongoing. The deadline for orders is March 19th. Pick up for orders is Saturday, April 24th. A tree list and order form is available at their website,


Forest Talk

George Jacobsen, Professor Emeritus at UMO and State Climatologist, will give a talk on The Influence of Climate Variability on Maine's Forests -- Past and Future, at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 22, at the Bremen Town Center.  The Small Woodland Owners Association of Maine (SWOAM) is sponsoring presentation.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  

Friday, March 5, 2010

Working with your Woodlot

If you hurry, you can still sign up for a course for woodland owners sponsored by the Maine Forest Service and the Small Woodland Owners Association of Maine (SWOAM) and given through adult education in Waldoboro. 
The course will be held 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Tuesday from March 9 to April 13 at Medomak Valley High School; Pre-registration is required; call the adult education office at 832-5205 to sign up. Cost is $30.  The class will be taught by Mort Moesswilde, Midcoast district forester for MFS, and will cover forest stewardship, forest management techniques, wildlife management, tree identification, forest health, harvesting, and working with professionals.   
Part of the course, but also available separately, is a presentation March 23, by SWOAM executive director Tom Doak on "The 10 Biggest Mistakes Made by Woodland Owners."  For $10 you can register for this one-night class alone.