Sunday, October 31, 2010
Contributing Photography
Monday, October 11, 2010
Webber Pond Alewife Update 10-08-10: Yoy Emigration
I believe the majority of young of the year (yoy) alewives born in Webber Pond this summer left after a large rain event in late July. It was then I found a few dead adults caught up in various hangups along the brook. There were gulls at the estuary then also. The young would have been quite small then and very hard to spot.
These past couple of weeks have stirred up the remaining alewives in Webber. We have spotted several schools of large (4 -4 1/2"+ sized) yoy that number in only hundreds. My camera is never with me when I spot them! Yesterday (Oct 7) while the rain was ending I found few schools around the pond level beaver dam. I encouraged them downstream with a part in the dam. I could not find any today in the stream, though my weir by my dock provided an adult and a yoy this morning.
One picture has yoy moving over the beaver dam.
Another has the adult in my hand.
The last has a single yoy.
Harvest Dinner Raffle Items
Following are the raffle items from the Harvest Dinner September 18, and who won each one. All raffle items were produced in Bremen.
*Six 1-1/4 pound live lobsters donated by Melanee Osier-Gilbert, Maine Fresh Lobster, plus ten pounds of clams donated by Blair Pyne, Broad Cove Marine Services. Won by Sue Renelt.
*Overflowing basket of Harvest Vegetables donated by gardeners throughout the Town of Bremen. Won by Joan Ray.
*Miss Kitty" Cashmere Yarn Scarf Kit donated by Wendy Pieh, Springtide Farm. Won by Mary Berger.
*Two cases of tomato sauce donated by Suzanne Goldenson, Heirloom Tomato Sauce Company. One case each won by Robert Goth and Ann Marie Serwa.
*Four bottles of Hard Apple Cider made from heritage apples grown on Bremen Long Island, pressed and donated by Alice and Ed DeLuca . Won by Heather Smith.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Proceeds from Harvest Dinner Go To Conservation Account
At the Board of Selectmen's meeting October 7, Dennis Prior, Chairman of the Bremen Conservation Commission, gave the Selectmen $748 to be added to the town's conservation reserve account. The funds were the net proceeds from the Harvest Dinner the BCC held on September 18.
In turning over the proceeds to the town account, Dennis said the dinner was a great success. He thanked the dinner committee for their hard work, the people and businesses in Bremen and nearby towns who provided the food and raffle items, and all the those bought the tickets and came to eat the dinner. He said having the New Rangers entertain was a special treat.
The Commission has been asked if they will hold another Harvest Dinner next year. We'd love to hear from those who think we should hold a dinner next year, and especially from anyone who would like to help plan and serve it.
Credit Where Credit's Due
"The best dinner, outside my own kitchen, I've had in the 13 years I've been coming to Maine."
"Everything was excellent. The sausage meatballs were a real treat, the vinaigrette dressing was sooo good and the bread was to die for!"
"We were so pleased to be able to come to the dinner. We remember all the wonderful dinners that used to be held in the Town House."
"The best music I've heard since 1960!"
"I hope that BCC was very pleased & proud, after all the work on the Harvest Dinner. It couldn't have been better! And the New Rangers were a great culmination.
These are just a few of the comments the BCC has received about the Harvest Dinner. Many people have asked who did what, e.g., Who made the squash casserole? Who made bread? For those who are curious, here the list of who did what:
Appetizers: Goat meat sausage donated and prepared by Wendy Pieh, Springtide Farm.
Bread: Made by David and Jessica Koubek from King Arthur bread flour and Maine organic wheat flour donated by Riding Tide Community Market.
Salad: The greens came from several Bremen gardeners, including Virginia Betts, Kathleen McClintock, Kerry Weber, and Sean McGregor. Carrots and beets donated by Kathleen McClintock and Bennett Collins, prepared by Marge Jicha. Lobsters donated by Bremen Lobster Co-Op, cooked and meat picked out by Dotty and Kent Booher. Vinaigrette dressing made by Kathleen McClintock. Ranch dressing made by Anna's Water's Edge Restaurant.
Ham provided by Abby and Mark Strobbe, Healthy Heritage Farm; sliced and trimmed by Kathleen McClintock. Raisin Sauce prepared by Mary Sue Weeks.
Squash and Dried Bean Casserole: Squash provided by Virginia Betts, Kathleen McClintock & Bennett Collins, Martin Klepeis. Beans supplied by Virginia Betts; tomato sauce by Suzanne Goldenson. Prepared by Virginia Betts and Joan Ray.
Roasted Potatoes: Potatoes donated by Steve and Jurate Barnes, supplemented with potatoes from Clark's Farm. Prepared by Sue Renelt, Mary Sue Weeks and Diane O'Connor.
Gingerbread Lobsters: Made and donated by Kim McClain, the original Gingerbread Lobster Co.
Ice Cream: Round Top Ice Cream, Vanilla flavor.
Cider: Supplied by Mike Reny, Biscay Orchards, who also donated the apples on the tables.
Coffee: Matt's organic coffee, donated by Rising Tide Community Market.