Contributing: Dave Wilkins
I believe the majority of young of the year (yoy) alewives born in Webber Pond this summer left after a large rain event in late July. It was then I found a few dead adults caught up in various hangups along the brook. There were gulls at the estuary then also. The young would have been quite small then and very hard to spot.
These past couple of weeks have stirred up the remaining alewives in Webber. We have spotted several schools of large (4 -4 1/2"+ sized) yoy that number in only hundreds. My camera is never with me when I spot them! Yesterday (Oct 7) while the rain was ending I found few schools around the pond level beaver dam. I encouraged them downstream with a part in the dam. I could not find any today in the stream, though my weir by my dock provided an adult and a yoy this morning.
One picture has yoy moving over the beaver dam.
Another has the adult in my hand.
The last has a single yoy.
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